This is a piece of Media Art inspired by "Grande Sertão Veredas" ("The devil to pay in the backlands"), a book from 1956 written by Guimarães Rosa, a Brazilian writer, poet and diplomat.
The author is famous for mixing classic and colloquial prose, using neologism and a collection of quotes, among which "living is very dangerous" is one of the most cited.

The quote we used as inspiration to this piece is: 
The water fell, pouring down, running on our faces as raindrop threads. 
A água caía, às despejadas, escorria nas caras da gente, em fios pingos. 
Grande Sertão Veredas / The devil to pay in the backlands by Guimarães Rosa, p.67

||| About the piece 
This is a media art piece produced with Processing and chatGPT. The intention was to simulate the idea of a thread made of raindrops. 

The author´s colourful language activates imagination in so many ways! Language is code. Creative coding relates to creative writing. 

Guimarães Rosa's saga takes place in the deep corners of Brazil. It introduces the audience to wise women and men and the beauty of life despite the horrors of man-made disputes. 

Rosa´s writing generates sparks in our minds, leading us to imagine the world he has seen. On a laboratory trip to write his masterpiece, Rosa experienced life with the cattlemen's entourage. 

Everything he describes feeds the imagination. At times, the scenes are brutal. Suddenly, they become sweet. Even romantic. There´s blood and wisdom, as happens when the outlaw secretly calls a teacher to the village so that he can learn and become a better leader. 

||| Title: Raindrop threads

||| tools 
Processing - code 
chatGPT - coding ideas 
Soundstripe - sound effect 

||| Media Artist Luis Henrique Almeida de Oliveira 
Master´s in Media Arts student at the University of Minho 

||| sound effect: rain
license: soundstripe

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