This immersive video gathers a series of Media Arts works developed as end-of-the-semester projects for the Master in Media Arts at the University of Minho. 
In times of ecosystem distress, we chose to approach a topic dear to the European Union and a key driver for a diverse and thriving environment: pollinators. Those who have ever wondered if bees are clever insects might find in awe what they are capable of. 

This piece presents a journey in three acts. 
Act 1 A Natural World (in Distress) 
Act 2 Disagreement | Crowds, deforestation & fire 
Act 3 Revolution | Awareness. Swarm.
Access the You Tube video — — to learn more (360 video, make sure you move around your phone or trackpad/mouse).
The image on top is a snapshot of the immersive work pollinatorDiplomacy#2.
The bee image is a remixed version of a video — — about how bees play, released under a Creative Commons license — CC BY 4.0 DEED 
Available in: Galpayage Dona, H. S., Solvi, C., Kowalewska, A., Mäkelä, K., MaBouDi, H., & Chittka, L. (2022). Do bumble bees play? Animal Behaviour, 194, 239-251.
==== Sound | Credits === 
The soundtrack runs throughout the whole piece. It was produced with dozens of sound files, such as bees, fires, destruction, crowds, and nature. 
Produced with Sound Particles via the Academic Program 
Contains licensed sound files available on 
Contains sound files available on BBC sound effects (purposes: research, educational) 
Soundmapping visualisation. Reference code by Manuel Kretzer, 2016.

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